Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And these people influence others...

Occasionally I force myself to listen to the Michael Savage radio show on the ride home from work in order to fulfill some masochistic desire. Yesterday was one of these afternoons. I often joke about the fact that Savage will start spouting off his illogical rhetoric and somehow always end up blaming homosexual people. And while I do so jokingly, sadly I'd say that it is acually the case in at least 6 of 10 tirades he goes on.
Yesterday was no different, as he bagan whining about the decline of marriage in the United States. I knew he would blame states like Vermont, which allow gay marriage, for part of it. That's obvious enough if you've ever heard this idiot speak. But, as usual, he topped himself off by adding that gay people are to blame for the lack of morals and monogamy in heterosexual couples period. He blamed the influx of unwed couples living together,promiscuity, the rise in STD's and a party lifestyle that has taken over America on the people's willingness to embrace homosexual lifestyles. His logic being that these actions are all parts of the homosexual lifestyle alone and have been forced upon heterosexual individuals. Thus, according to Savage America is far too accepting of homosexuals (which is so obvious everytime someone says "That's so gay" to imply that something is stupid) and because of this people are forced to have unprotected sex at every chance they get. Makes sense? It must, someone must agree with this maniac. He is after all one of the most popular personalities on the radio. I can't wait when his "gay sex scandal" finally breaks. I think we all know it's coming.
On another subject Dr. Laura Schlessinger was on the today show to give her two cents on the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. I honestly don't even know why people act surprised about these "scandals" anymore, anyhow here is what this brilliant Dr. and right wing radio host had to offer about the situation:

VIEIRA: Do you think women play any role in this, Dr. Laura?

SCHLESSINGER: It's interesting. what you said about what men need -- men do need validation. When they come into the world they're born of a woman. Getting the validation from mommy is the beginning of needing it from a woman. When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like our hero, he's very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs. These days, women don't spend a lot of time thinking about how they can give their men what they need.

VIEIRA: Are you saying women should feel guilty, like they somehow drove the man to cheat?

SCHLESSINGER: You know what, the cheating was his decision to repair what's damaged, and to feed himself where he's starving. But, yes, I hold women accountable for tossing out perfectly good men by not treating them with the love and kindness and respect and attention they need.
(reposted from

*Sigh* Talk radio and it's personalities are killing America.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Where do I begin? Perhaps introductions are in order. I’ll go with…Black Eyed Susan for the moment. Aptly named for the character penned by the iconic Morrissey, to whom I owe my ability to reach this ripe old age of 24. Sad it may seem but true. Had it not been for his reassurance that someone else in this endless void understood I doubt I would have found a way out of the awful social experience known as our “teen” years. I still shudder at the thought and a vague dull pain seats itself somewhere in my bowls at the mere memory.
My father and I have a strained relationship at best though I could not possibly love him anymore his obsession with his insane Conservative Republican beliefs creates a distance between us that we can rarely navigate. Most often we are unable to utter a word to one another without the apocalypse descending upon his living room. He is infatuated with the ramblings of self appointed talk radio martyr Michael Savage, and I think that says enough. The only person I’ve ever heard who I found more insane is Fred Phelps and when only Fred Phelps is more insane than you are I think it’s time to
Reevaluate yourself.
But I suppose I digress. My point is, if I had one to begin with, that due to my fathers constant narrative of absurdities I was forced by my inability to agree with him on any political concept to learn what exactly was going on in the American government in order to form my own concept of what exactly I agreed with or disagreed with and more importantly why. As an end to my tangent rich tirade for the day suffice it to say the following:
I am not a Republican
I am not a Democrat
The Bipartisan system is hurting the American People
The American people need to stop watching American Idol for three seconds and pay attention to things that will actually effect their lives.
Religion is a terrible plight on society.